Baru saja satu minggu ke belakang tepatnya tanggal 22 Juli 2009, developer Joomla telah merilis Joomla versi 1.5.13, eh ketika saya berkunjung ke ternyata Joomla 1.5.14 telah dirilis juga. Untuk lebih jelasnya sobat bisa baca langsung informasinya di atau baca di sini seperti yang telah saya copas di bawah ini:
The Joomla Project announces the immediate availability of Joomla 1.5.14 [Wojmamni ama naiki]. This release contains fixes for two material bugs that were introduced in version 1.5.13 and one low level security issue. Instead of waiting for a normal 6 to 8-week release cycle, this release is being made available to users now. It has been eight days since Joomla 1.5.13 was released on July 22, 2009.
The Development Working Group's goal is to continue to provide regular, frequent updates to the Joomla community.
Click here to download Joomla 1.5.14 (Full package) »
Click here to find an update package. »
- New installation and technical requirements
- Upgrade from an existing Joomla 1.5 version
- Migration from Joomla! 1.0.x
Want to test drive Joomla? Try the online demo or the Joomla JumpBox. Documentation is available for beginners.
Please note that you should always backup your site before upgrading.
Release Notes
Check the Joomla 1.5.14 Post-Release FAQs to see if there are important items and helpful hints discovered after the release.
If you have modified core template overrides, please be sure to back them up before upgrading.
One low-level security issue was fixed in this release:
- Low Priority - Core - com_mailto Timeout. More information »
For additional information, visit the Joomla Security Center.
- Fixed error message in Media Manager (17319)
- No modules issues were fixed for this release
- Fixed callback error message in TinyMCE editor (17323)
- No legacy issues were fixed for this release
- No template issues were fixed for this release
- No language issues were fixed for this release
- No administrator issues were fixed for this release
- No system issues were fixed for this release
Statistics for the 1.5.14 release period:
- Joomla 1.5.14 contains:
- 2 issues fixed in SVN
- 2 commits
- Tracker activity resulted in a net increase of 14 active issues:
- 28 new reports
- 12 closed
- 2 fixed in SVN
- At the time the 1.5.14 release was packaged, the tracker had 202 active issues:
- 99 open
- 68 confirmed
- 35 pending
1 Response to "Joomla 1.5.14 released"
mas bisa gak di luncurin ebook mulai dari awal pengenalan sampai mempublikasikan website joomla?karna saya ingin mengajarkannya kepada murid saya.makasih sebelumnya.